Sonorix's purpose transcends the mundane; he aims to manifest the ethereal beauty from other realms onto Earth, inspiring others with the profound magic he extracts from the interplay of beauty, sound, and art in our world.
About sonorix Artist

Throughout my life, my innate talent and passion for drawing manifested early on. At the age of three, I astonished my mother by drawing the intricate pattern of the 101 Dalmatians’ carpet. Growing up, I continued to create characters, imbuing them with their own stories, which sparked my creative thinking. However, my parents didn’t fully understand this aspect of my creativity, so I wasn’t encouraged to pursue art courses.

Despite this, I embarked on a journey into the art world by majoring in architecture at university. Although it wasn’t my true passion, it was a step towards exploring my artistic inclinations. Eventually, I transitioned to a major in computer graphic animation, where I flourished, receiving scholarships and creating my own series of sketchbooks. This marked the beginning of my exploration into digital art, 3D animation, and filmmaking.

When overwhelmed by emotions like anger, worry, or fear, I turn to painting as a form of meditation. Through this practice, I release toxic thoughts and emotions, channeling them into my art. Similarly, playing the guitar and creating music allows me to connect with higher spirits and alleviate negative emotions. Art serves as a tool for elevation, particularly during challenging times.

Creating art requires patience, passion, and inspiration. Personally, I continuously revisit and refine my pieces, often taking months or even a year to complete them. However, it’s crucial to finish each artwork to feel the internal sense of accomplishment and to manifest external success.

My purpose as an artist is to bring beauty from other dimensions into our world and inspire others as I have been inspired. My sources of inspiration stem from fantasy movies, cartoons, games, and animations, particularly those featuring characters with special powers. Shows like “Teen Titans,” featuring characters like Raven, who embodies the balance between light and dark forces, resonate deeply with me as a Libra.

Games like “World of Warcraft” further fuel my imagination with their diverse races, characters, and classes. Characters like the elf druids, who draw power from nature, and priests, who wield both holy and shadow energies, inspire me to create my own fantasy world and characters with unique abilities. My goal is to share this creativity and inspiration with others, spreading beauty and positivity through my art.

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